Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.ഉദാഹരണം

Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 5 ദിവസം

Know His rest.

A note to the listener: Watch the encouraging video first, and then reflect using the in-depth devotional below. Tap the play button to hear Wendy read the devotional to you!

Hustle! Go faster! Get busier! Do more, and you’ll be more valuable. Prove yourself. Push harder—excuses are for the weak. Do these phrases nag at you? The world heaps these heavy burdens on our shoulders. But we can’t live under the tyranny of these demands. It’s too exhausting.

And the truth is, our value does not depend on how much we work. We’re precious to God, not because of what we do—just because we’re His children, made in His image. God’s unconditional love breaks the power of the spirit-crushing, all-consuming pressure to perform. Even for believers, the trap of tethering our worth to our work is so easy to fall into.

It’s easy to start thinking that life works in even trades: you do this for me, and I’ll do this for you. Now we’re even—I don’t owe you anything. We don’t like the feeling of being indebted to someone else, and we want to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of.

But it doesn’t work that way with God. Even if you spend your life trying, you could never pay God back for all He’s done for you. You’d still feel indebted and disconnected. You’d miss out on enjoying Him! There’s no earning His love—it’s a gift. He freely loves you right now.

God wants to give you rest. And I don’t mean sleep. The New Testament word for “rest” is “anapauo.” (pronounced anna-pow-oh). And, it’s not something you do, but something God does for you. It means He is the only one who can relieve you from your anxious toil. Don’t you want that? I do! Don’t you want that for your friends?

Luke 10 shows what Jesus thinks about rest. Jesus goes to dinner at the home of two sisters. Martha rushes around, waiting on everyone, making sure everyone is taken care of. (Does that sound like someone you know?) But, Mary sits with Jesus, talks with Him, and enjoys Him. Martha gets upset. She thinks it’s unfair that her sister is sitting, savoring time with Jesus, while she serves the guests by herself.

Listen to how Jesus answers her:

“Dear Martha, you’re worried and upset over all these details! One thing here matters most, and your sister has chosen it. I won’t take it away from her.”

Jesus’ lesson? Resting—just enjoying time with Him—is the main thing! It’s not a break from real life—it’s real life. All your work, the duties, and the details of life are not meant to lead you to more and more work but to a place of rest in Jesus Christ. How does that change your thinking? Who do you know that needs to hear it?

Just to be clear, rest is not self-indulgence. It’s not luxury or laziness. It’s God’s design for a thriving life. You might be thinking:

But, if I pause from my work…

I’ll be left behind.
I won’t be loved and appreciated.
No one will want me anymore.
I’ll fail the people I care about, and everything will fall apart.
I’ll fail God.

But God would say to you…

You don’t need to be the best—just be with me.
I already love you with the biggest possible love.
I don’t require your usefulness; I just want you.
You don’t need to be the hero—I am the only savior.
When you fail, I’ve got you.
Come—let me give you rest.
Let me show you the unforced rhythms of grace.

Friend, someone in your life feels guilty whenever she takes a break. She’s running herself ragged. Will you invite her to come and find rest in Jesus? He wants to lift her heaviest burdens.

You can tell her…

Work is not what God wants from you.
He just wants you.
And He wants to give you rest.

One honest conversation could change her life—not only for the present time but for eternity. Who is God putting on your heart? Reach out to her today. If you feel led, you might even call or text her right now. The invitation of Jesus is too wonderful to keep to ourselves.

Let’s pray.

God, thank You that You didn’t create me to be Your employee—You call me Your friend, Your child. You offer me comfort, gentleness, and rest. Starting today, I want to share Your invitation with all who toil, all who suffer, and all those wounded by the world's harshness. So many are hurting—they need You badly, Lord. Help me lead them to You. Amen.


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Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

This world is harsh—and this callousness seeps into our hearts and homes. It can even color your mental image of God. Will you let God peel away the lies that hold you back from embracing Him and confidently sharing Jesus with others? This five-day devotional from Wendy Palau will remind you afresh of God’s gentleness, comfort, and rest and inspire you to share Jesus with women in pain.
