Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.ഉദാഹരണം

Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 2 ദിവസം

You can know God.

A note to the listener: Watch the encouraging video first, and then reflect using the in-depth devotional below. Tap the play button to hear Wendy read the devotional to you!

Have you ever felt that even in your closest relationships, people don’t really know you—the real you? Maybe you wonder, “Do I even know myself?”

Maybe you’ve been in a friendship where you feared being fully known and thought, “If you knew my faults, you wouldn’t like me anymore.” I have felt that way myself! Yet, the deep longing persists. I want to be known. God gave you that longing, and the world has attempted to answer it.

There’s no shortage of social media and pop psychology gurus that make it clear—if you fully know and love yourself, your deepest longings will be fulfilled. It sounds good, but it’s an empty promise. In my years at art school, soul-searching and self-expression were unspoken core values of the culture. I devoted energy to knowing myself—and I must tell you, it was one of my life's most depressing and aimless seasons.

Sure, learning about ourselves can help us grow. God can even use that self-awareness as a catalyst to bring healing, set us free from dysfunctional patterns, and help us appreciate the unique way He made us. But, if you stare into the mirror for too long, into your own heart, you’ll find what’s in every person: darkness, depression, and brokenness.

Do you know someone who has gone down this path and found only emptiness? Have you tried to find fulfillment by simply knowing yourself?

In Christ, you’ll finally feel known. You won’t need to search yourself because He’s already searched you endlessly. He already knows you completely.

God shaped you inside your mother’s womb. You are wonderfully made! He knows you inside and out, every bone in your body. He knows exactly how you were sculpted from nothing into something. All your days were spread out before Him like a map before you took your first breath. You are fully seen and fully known by God!

By the way, He didn’t require all your flaws to be fixed or all your sin to be gone before He loved you. He loved you even in your worst moment. And, He doesn’t just tolerate you… He knows and loves you completely—passionately.

Do you know Him?

We can’t see and touch Him. He cannot be reduced to facts and data. There is so much mystery to Him! But we can know Him in another way.

Almighty God became human for our sake. He came to earth by His own choice, to meet us in a form we understand. Because of Jesus, you and I can know Him intimately—how we know a close friend.

How amazing to know Creator God!
The One who made us.
The One who hung each star in the sky.
He wants to be with His people. He wants to be with you. And, He wants you to know Him.

If Jesus hadn’t come to us, we would really struggle to understand God’s character. We’d still be wondering, what is God like? Is He gentle or harsh? Is He hurried or patient? Is He humble or unapproachable?

Do you know someone whose picture of God is blurry and unclear? Or maybe someone whose idea of Him has been muddied up by painful misrepresentations from others? I bet you can think of someone. Maybe she’s been wondering so long she’s almost given up on finding out who God is or if He’s even real. But He is real and came at great cost to show us His goodness. To save us from ourselves—to redeem us from death.

The Bible tells us that the Son (Jesus) radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, sustaining everything by the mighty power of His command.

Jesus came so that we could know God. He wants you to know Him. He wants your friends to know Him—to come to Him—to find rest, comfort, gentleness, and the fulfillment of being fully known.

You can tell your friend that God already knows her. He is beckoning her to come and know Him, too. Will you deliver God’s beautiful invitation to your friend?

Let’s pray.

Jesus, You are the perfect representation of the most-high God. And I get to call You my friend. Thank You for knowing me and loving me. Thank You for inviting me to know You even more! Help me pass this beautiful invitation on to all my friends, so they can know how wonderful You are. Amen.


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

This world is harsh—and this callousness seeps into our hearts and homes. It can even color your mental image of God. Will you let God peel away the lies that hold you back from embracing Him and confidently sharing Jesus with others? This five-day devotional from Wendy Palau will remind you afresh of God’s gentleness, comfort, and rest and inspire you to share Jesus with women in pain.
