Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.ഉദാഹരണം

Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

5 ദിവസത്തിൽ 4 ദിവസം

Know His comfort.

A note to the listener: Watch the encouraging video first, and then reflect using the in-depth devotional below. Tap the play button to hear Wendy read the devotional to you!

Pain and suffering are part of the world we live in. No matter how positive and grateful we try to be, the reality is that there will be trouble in this life. At times we uncover no silver linings, no lessons to be gained. Some things are just bad.

And it’s so hard because we want to understand why we experience times of grief, loss, and pain. We want to make sense of it, but there might not be an explanation on this side of Heaven. Have you ever wondered if the tears will ever stop flowing—if the suffering will ever end? Have you looked for other ways to find relief from the heartache?

You may have already found out that without God, there is no lasting comfort. Food, friends, and fun may work for a little while, but the wounds of life remain unhealed. Have you tried numbing your pain with alcohol, TV, or distraction? It always finds its way back, doesn’t it?

Real comfort comes only when we bring our needs to Him. We know that, without Him, we’re doomed. That’s why He sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter.

In 2 Corinthians chapter 1, the Bible says that God is the Father of compassion. He is the God of all comfort—the one who comforts us in our troubles so that we can comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received from Him.

Praise God! We can receive REAL comfort from him, AND we get to share it with others!

Imagine with me for a moment what your life might look like right now if you didn’t know Jesus. How would your life be different if you didn’t have the Holy Spirit helping you, comforting you in your pain, encouraging and guiding you? Maybe you’d still be stuck in a destructive pattern. Maybe you’d be too depressed even to function. Maybe you wouldn’t even be with us today.

Can you think of someone who desperately needs the comfort of the Holy Spirit? Maybe someone dear to you has suffered terribly and feels angry at God for what happened. Or maybe she doesn’t even realize there is another way. Can you reach out to her? Tell her…

There is someone who wants to comfort you.
God sees you, and He cares for you.
He wants to hold you.
God can bring you relief.
Jesus wants to carry the pain.
The Holy Spirit wants to lift the weight of grief off you.

None of us want to suffer through life alone. We need the Comforter. In the Bible, they were so sad when Jesus explained to His disciples that He would be going away—going to be with the Father in Heaven. They wanted to go with Him! They wanted Him to stay! But He explained one of the reasons He needed to go…so He could send another Helper.

Jesus said in John 14 that He would give us another Helper to be with us forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world can’t see or know. But, we can—because He dwells with us and in us! He promised that He would come to us instead of leaving us as orphans. And He did!

Friend, the Holy Spirit is with you right now. He is living in you right now! Whatever is hurting in your heart, ask Him—the Lord of all comfort—to come. He will help you through it, as promised. Not only does He understand what you’re going through, but He cares and has the power to bring you peace.

This amazing gift we have—the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the peace of God—is a treasure meant to be shared. God doesn’t want anyone to remain stuck, alone in their pain. Who did God put on your heart?

Decide today to share with her. Tell her about the God of comfort. It may feel awkward or scary—that’s okay. Simply and honestly sharing Jesus with your friend could have an eternal impact. Not only does Jesus have the power to be present with your dear friend in her devastating pain, but He also has the power to save her from death.

Let’s pray.

Lord of all comfort—I bring you my pain. All my heartache. Would you lift my heaviness and give me fresh hope? Come. Comfort me so I can boldly offer Your comfort to my friends. Thank You, Jesus, that You have not left us as orphans. Your arms are open to everyone who hurts. Let me bring my friend into Your loving arms. Amen.


ദിവസം 3ദിവസം 5

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Know Me—Release the Lie and Embrace God.

This world is harsh—and this callousness seeps into our hearts and homes. It can even color your mental image of God. Will you let God peel away the lies that hold you back from embracing Him and confidently sharing Jesus with others? This five-day devotional from Wendy Palau will remind you afresh of God’s gentleness, comfort, and rest and inspire you to share Jesus with women in pain.
