Run the Raceサンプル

Week Three - Day One - God Speaks to Me
Welcome to our ‘Run the Race’ Devotional - we are so excited to have you following along with us as we journey through the Bible. We are taking a look at some people in the Bible to find out how they ‘Run the Race’ that God set before them. Each of us has a ‘Race to Run’, something that God has made us for. Our ‘Race’ is like a lane on the running track but the best, most exciting thing is, we get to ‘Run our Race’ together with God and He provides EVERYTHING that we need to complete our Race!
This week we are going to be learning about Samuel and how God spoke to him. But first let's learn about his family.
‘Hannah’s Prayer’ - in the Beginners Bible - (Pages 156 - 159) or 1 Samuel 1:1-20. Hannah is Samuel’s Mother - she loved God! Hannah wanted a Baby but was not able to have children.
Eli was a priest and he lived in a place called a Tabernacle. This is the name for a meeting place for worship or today we would know it as a Church building.
Hannah and her husband had gone to the Tabernacle to pray, Hannah prayed to God - “If you will give me a baby boy, I will see that he serves you all his life.”
Eli had seen Hannah crying out to God and praying at the Tabernacle. Eli encouraged Hannah and told her to “go in peace - and may God give you what you have asked for.”
Sometimes God will use other people to speak to us. God had used Eli to encourage Hannah - come back tomorrow to find out what God did!
Has anyone ever prayed with you the exact thing you were chatting to God about?
God always wants to talk to us, either through others or directly - spend some time praying and chatting to God today.
‘So we have many people of faith around us. Their lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is set before us and never give up’ (Hebrews 12:1)
I am an overcomer
I can run my race
I can raise a happy sound.
His people all around.
My God has given me everything
He is faithful and true,
With my eyes firmly fixed on Him
His power will get me through!
In Jesus name, Amen.

During this series we are going to be looking at some of our Bible heroes and how they journeyed their lives following and listening to God. Through well known Bible stories, our weekly Youtube videos and fun we will learn more of God’s heart for our lives and how He wants us to ‘Run our Race’ that is before us with Him and never give up!