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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?Ihe Atụ

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?


Jesus has come. Do you let Him in?

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelation 3:20)

Jesus has come. He came to earth to do God’s will, to save lost people, and to testify to the truth. He came to deliver you from spiritual darkness. But for that, it is not enough that He came to earth. You must also welcome Him into your heart and life. Otherwise, you will miss out on His offer of grace and forgiveness! How bad that would be. Jesus did everything to save you; so please do not reject His invitation!

The book of Revelation contains a number of letters from Jesus that John wrote down. In one of those letters, Jesus says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” Jesus wants to come and live in your heart. He wants to eat a meal together as friends. He wants you to come and sit with Him on His glorious throne. He wants nothing more than to make your life full, rich, and joyful. But He does not force Himself upon you. If you keep the door of your heart closed, He will not come in.

What is the condition of your heart? Is it cold and dark, or have you opened it to God's light? Don't wait any longer to open the door to Jesus!

Thank you for completing this reading plan. We hope you were encouraged to follow Jesus every day! We invite you to learn more about Him in one of our e-courses, or to find your questions answered on our homepage www.biblword.net

Okwu Chukwu

Ụbọchị 12

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?

Jesus Christ came to earth for a purpose. His coming was a conscious decision. During the years in which He traveled around the land of Israel and made God's Kingdom known, He also explained why He came to earth. Several times, we read in the Gospels: “I have come to...”. This reading plan aims to trace some of those statements to make us aware of Jesus’ mission.
