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What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?Ihe Atụ

What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?


Jesus came to tell the truth

“For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:37)

For almost as long as the world has existed, there has been a battle between lies and truth. The devil spread the first lies when he made Adam and Eve doubt God’s goodness. And he still uses that strategy today. That is why he is called “the father of lies.”

The Lord Jesus opposes the devil in this area as well. He testifies to the truth. He even presents Himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). This truth has cost Him His life. For when Jesus denounces the Scribes and Pharisees as “hypocrites...serpents, [a] brood of vipers”, they are furious. He effortlessly pierces through their pretty facade and exposes their dark hearts. No wonder they plan to arrest Him secretly and kill Him! When Jesus then confirms during His interrogation before the high priest that He is the Son of God, this marks His death sentence. This truth is unacceptable for the religious elite. Jesus must be stopped, with lies if necessary (for example, in Matthew 28:11-15).

But the plan of Jesus’ opponents fails. The truth about His resurrection has become known worldwide. Millions realize that He really is the Son of God. And this truth saves lives! Are you spreading this good news?

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What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?

Jesus Christ came to earth for a purpose. His coming was a conscious decision. During the years in which He traveled around the land of Israel and made God's Kingdom known, He also explained why He came to earth. Several times, we read in the Gospels: “I have come to...”. This reading plan aims to trace some of those statements to make us aware of Jesus’ mission.
