Listening To The Word - 1 YearSample

The Lamb and the Lion
Revelation 5:5-6
“See, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has triumphed…then I saw a lamb, looking as if it had been slain…”
Revelation 5:9-10
You are worthy…with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation…they will reign on the earth.”
Jesus gave his life for us, for the penalty of our sins, as a sacrificial lamb. He rose victorious - as a lion, and was given a name above every other name, yet he still carries the marks of his crucifixion; the lion and lamb are One. We too are called to receive God’s gift of forgiveness by faith, to die to self, as we too are crucified with Christ. We too have died to sin and been raised with Christ through the glory of the Father, to live a new life. How much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17) We too identify with the lamb and the lion in our spiritual journey.
What does it mean to ‘reign in life, to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God so that we reign on the earth’?
Do we understand our authority in Christ to resist temptation and sin – the world, the flesh and the devil?
For those who are in Christ –we too experience the paradox of the lamb and lion as we walk with Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I humble myself before you! Thank you that I have been seated with Christ in heavenly places. Thank you that I have authority to reign this day as an overcomer.
Revelation 5:5-6
“See, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has triumphed…then I saw a lamb, looking as if it had been slain…”
Revelation 5:9-10
You are worthy…with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation…they will reign on the earth.”
Jesus gave his life for us, for the penalty of our sins, as a sacrificial lamb. He rose victorious - as a lion, and was given a name above every other name, yet he still carries the marks of his crucifixion; the lion and lamb are One. We too are called to receive God’s gift of forgiveness by faith, to die to self, as we too are crucified with Christ. We too have died to sin and been raised with Christ through the glory of the Father, to live a new life. How much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17) We too identify with the lamb and the lion in our spiritual journey.
What does it mean to ‘reign in life, to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God so that we reign on the earth’?
Do we understand our authority in Christ to resist temptation and sin – the world, the flesh and the devil?
For those who are in Christ –we too experience the paradox of the lamb and lion as we walk with Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I humble myself before you! Thank you that I have been seated with Christ in heavenly places. Thank you that I have authority to reign this day as an overcomer.
About this Plan

Join Randy Friesen as he follows the Bible reading plan of the Life Journal and shares his reflections with you. Each entry includes three parts: a highlighted passage from the reading, a brief reflection, and a prayer. We trust that you will be inspired by the messages that God is speaking through his Word.