Over It All预览

Over It All


He is Over Bondage

There are times that we can find ourselves in bondage to something. These bondages can manifest themselves in addictions where we cannot seem to have power over a desire. These addictions may cause us to do something sinful or destructive to ourselves or others. These can be demonic strongholds or simply habits that we have formed over repetition. Whatever the case, these bondages negatively affect us. 

When we want to stop, we find ourselves unable to and that’s when guilt and shame start to plague us. These negative emotions start to eat away at our self-worth and our relationship with God. We find it harder to believe God because we don’t think we are good enough to receive his love or forgiveness. God doesn’t want us bound. He, instead, wants us free from all bondage. 

Thank God for Jesus who came to set us free. He destroyed the work of the enemy and the power of the flesh. Jesus is over it all! Maybe you need to pray the prayer of deliverance today and allow Jesus to break every chain and set you free from all of these negative emotions. Instead, receive his freedom, his love, his forgiveness and his grace to walk free. 


Jesus, I thank you that you have set me free from all bondage. You have broken every chain that would try to entangle itself around me and you have broken the power of the enemy. Today I can walk free because of your completed work upon the cross. I am sorry I have allowed myself to become dependent upon something other than you. I break agreements with every lie that the enemy would tell me or my flesh would tempt me to believe. I am yours, Jesus, and I submit myself to your will in my life. Set me free today, Jesus, by the power of your precious blood. I pray this in the name of Jesus! Amen. 

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Over It All

What an amazing encouragement and comfort it is knowing that Jesus has overcome everything that we may face in this world. Let this devotion encourage you by giving you God’s perspective on some of life’s most challenging moments. Planetshakers album, “Over It All” will also be a source of encouragement as it declares the same message…Jesus is over it all!
