Over It All预览

Over It All


He is Over Poverty

I have first-hand experience when it comes to seeing God provide for me supernaturally. I first started to see this miracle of provision when I was newly saved. It was when my mum didn’t have anything in the cupboard or fridge to prepare dinner for us. This was at a very low point in our lives. My dad had walked out, the business they owned went bankrupt, and mum was unemployed. My brother and I were at school and we would literally get to points throughout the week when we had nothing to eat. It was at those moments that my mum began to pray and remind God of his promises in his word about being our provider. I would then see, hours later, a knock at the door and a porch filled with grocery bags. Or sometimes it would be bumping into people from our church who would shake my mum’s hand and slip money into it. People who didn’t know our predicament but were simply obeying God’s voice became a source of supernatural provision to us as a family and an incredible communication of who God was, our provider. 

This is who God is and he wants to reveal himself to us as our provider. He also wants to break the cycle of poverty by downloading visions of a better future, open the doors to that future and even give you creative ideas to generate finances. He is a good father and wants to help his children overcome poverty for themselves and to be that source of provision for others. Today let him give you an idea, prompt you to give to others or respond to your prayer for help. He is a good provider. And he is over it all!


I thank you, Jesus, that you are our provider and that you will supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory. I ask you to provide….(you can tell him what you need) and I position myself in faith to see you move in this area of my life and I thank you that you are a good God who wants to provide for me. Amen.

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Over It All

What an amazing encouragement and comfort it is knowing that Jesus has overcome everything that we may face in this world. Let this devotion encourage you by giving you God’s perspective on some of life’s most challenging moments. Planetshakers album, “Over It All” will also be a source of encouragement as it declares the same message…Jesus is over it all!
