Over It All预览

Over It All


He is Over Fear

God has not given us a spirit of fear! So why do so many of us put up with it? From the smallest phobia to larger fears, the fear of dying or the fear of harm, fear is just the threat of something bad happening to us. 

Sometimes these fears are passed on to us and other times it’s because of an experience that has left us fearful. However, we are still here. We are even able to read these words, so that fearful situation didn’t get the victory over us! 

I see many people who allow fear to stop them from being the powerful men and women of God they are called to be. I even see things that caused fear when they were children follow these people into their adult lives and still have power over them. It’s as if fear has stopped them maturing and seeing things from an adult perspective. 

God has dealt with fear. He even commands us not to fear. There are countless examples of God moving on behalf of his children when they were confronted by enemies. We see Jesus even intervening in someone’s death which is sometimes people’s biggest fear. Again, fear is the threat of something bad happening, not actually taking place. So if it hasn’t happened, then why are we stopped in our tracks over something that isn’t even real? 

Today, why don’t you see yourself as protected, loved, nurtured, and cared for by your great God who has set you free of all fear? Start running the race He has called you to run without restraint or in trepidation and see what amazing things you can accomplish for God’s glory.


Lord, I bind the spirit of fear operating over my life and instead I agree with your word that says you haven’t given me a spirit of fear. I refuse to accommodate fear any longer and I thank you, Jesus, that you have set me free of all fear. Instead, Lord, I chose to receive your love, your power, and your sound mind. In Jesus‘ name I pray. Amen.

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Over It All

What an amazing encouragement and comfort it is knowing that Jesus has overcome everything that we may face in this world. Let this devotion encourage you by giving you God’s perspective on some of life’s most challenging moments. Planetshakers album, “Over It All” will also be a source of encouragement as it declares the same message…Jesus is over it all!
