Over It All预览

Over It All


He Is Over Sickness

I was on the phone the other week to a close friend who went on a routine check-up and was faced with a surprising and alarming diagnosis. They had found cancer in her body and the doctors were encouraging her to have surgery as soon as possible.

What do you do in situations like these, especially when the diagnosis is grim and there seems like there is no natural way out of such a dilemma? You turn to God and what His word says. You pray. And you believe God for a miracle. 

I was so encouraged by my friend’s response to her predicament. She reached out to a group of us to pray and believe with her. She began to declare God’s word over her body and I am pleased to say the operation was a complete success. The doctors didn’t have to remove as much as they first thought and her most recent test indicated there was no cancer left in her body. 

This is the power of Jesus moving in someone’s life. Jesus is over cancer. He is over all sickness and he has already paid the price with his broken body and spilt blood for us. Let me encourage you to reach out to God today and if you or your loved ones are suffering with any kind of sickness or disease, ask people of faith to join you in prayer and start to declare the word of God over your body asking to be healed in Jesus‘ name!


Dear Jesus,

I know that by your stripes I am healed so I reach out to you today. Would you release your healing power into my body (or the body of your loved one) to restore it to kingdom order? I believe you are my healer so today I stand in faith on your word, and trust you with the outcome. Amen!

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Over It All

What an amazing encouragement and comfort it is knowing that Jesus has overcome everything that we may face in this world. Let this devotion encourage you by giving you God’s perspective on some of life’s most challenging moments. Planetshakers album, “Over It All” will also be a source of encouragement as it declares the same message…Jesus is over it all!
