The Raven and the WidowÀpẹrẹ

Day 2 The Unusual
Elijah's subsequent faith steps, involving the Brook Cherith and the ravens, were contingent upon his initial obedience to God's command to confront King Ahab. The initial steps were essential to enable the ravens to receive divine instructions. Are there potential opportunities or individuals being hindered from receiving divine guidance regarding their destiny due to your non-compliance to initial instructions from God?
Astonishingly, Elijah's obedience momentarily disrupted the feral instincts of a carnivorous animal. When God positions us for increase, favor, promotion, and providence, improbable events become possible. God stretched Elijah's faith by requiring him to challenge conventional orthodoxy. As it was ceremonially unclean to touch anything that had come into contact with an unclean animal, Elijah was forced to choose between trusting the spirit of the Law and adhering to its letter. Fortunately, he chose to trust the Spirit.
God's instructions to you may contradict religious, cultural, organizational, educational, scientific, medical, or even financial norms. Although these instructions may not be illegal, they may seem illogical, irrational, and not so idyllic.
Yet I challenge you that when presented with the opportunity to trust God in an unusual way, I would advise you venture out of your boat of comfort onto the waters of the unknown. Who knows? You just might walk atop it!
Ìwé mímọ́
Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

God’s Sovereignty at times involves the employment of the unfamiliar, the unlikely, and the unexpected to bring about divine providence to His beloved children- stretching their faith. A raven and a widow were unusual sources of sustenance for Prophet Elijah, considering the reputation of each in ancient times. Yet what society deems strange or unusual God coronates as opportunity for stretching and blessing.