The Raven and the WidowÀpẹrẹ

Day 1 Before The Raven, There’s Risk
During the dark days of Ahab’s reign as king in Israel- a gross period of idolatry, in which the king bore personal responsibility for formally leading God’s chosen nation to serve the false god Baal, and other gods- Elijah’s mission was in the meaning of his name: “Yahweh is my God”. He was to reestablish true worship to the true God, Yahweh.
While the significance of personal names may have diminished over time, it is crucial to acknowledge that every individual possesses a distinct calling and anointing from God.
Elijah's experiences illustrate that God guides us incrementally. His initial assignment was to proclaim an impending drought to King Ahab, a hazardous task given Baal's perceived dominion over the sky and rain.
To advance in our spiritual journeys, we must demonstrate willingness to obey God's preliminary instructions, despite potential risks.
Understanding that we are not promised a detailed syllabus of faith events when “For God I’ll Live; For God I’ll die“ becomes our life’s mission statement, we must never abandon obedience. Although, humorously, God sometimes seems quite heavy handed in seasoning the “…For God I’ll Die” portion of the saying .
Nevertheless we are promised that our Professor would be with us each step of the way- never leaving us nor forsaking us.
Elijah's obedience was instrumental in setting the stage for a spiritual showdown between Yahweh and Baal. And similarly as the on-the-run prophet, could it be that our obedience may have far-reaching spiritual implications, impacting future generations.
What is God calling you to do? Is it starting a business, pursuing higher education, or acquiring a new skill? Establishing a church in your city maybe the solution to someone’s heartfelt prayer that their loved one, including friends, colleagues, family members or children, will come to know God and cultivate a meaningful and enduring connection with Him.
Whatever it is, remember that obedience is crucial to unlocking your reward and fulfilling your purpose. Therefore, let us boldly risk our comfort for the reward that awaits us, walk into our worth, vie for victory, and break into breakthrough.
Ìwé mímọ́
Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

God’s Sovereignty at times involves the employment of the unfamiliar, the unlikely, and the unexpected to bring about divine providence to His beloved children- stretching their faith. A raven and a widow were unusual sources of sustenance for Prophet Elijah, considering the reputation of each in ancient times. Yet what society deems strange or unusual God coronates as opportunity for stretching and blessing.