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Broken Made WholeHalimbawa

Broken Made Whole


“Not too Broken to be Fixed”

I believe that the heart is stronger and more shock- and scratch-proof than any other repairable thing in this world. No attempts too many can break it to the point that it won’t function again, feel again, rejoice again, and love again.

I am not too broken to be fixed. And so are you. No one is. There is always hope in God. He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. All things. Believe in that.

Raizel. People often mispronounce and misspell my first name because of its unique sound to it.

“Reyzel” like the rays of the sun. “Rayzel” as in rising above the waters. I prefer the first one but I don’t mind when people pronounce my name differently.


Its origin is Yiddish (Jewish-German). Its inherent meaning is rose. I have two roses in my name. Interesting, right? But what’s more fascinating is my first name’s spiritual connotation: adorned*, an adjective to describe someone who (or something that) is made more pleasing, and attractive, by adding something beautiful.

As I have embraced this brokenness, I also got to embrace the beauty that goes with it. After all these things that transpired, God has made me more beautiful. He looks past my cracks and holes and sees the righteousness, purity, holiness, and perfection of His Son, Jesus, who was broken for me, so I can be made whole again. His character and His finished work on the cross were made more evident in my broken state.

I am Raizel. I am adorned. I am loved. I am broken. I am beautiful.
Araw 6

Tungkol sa Gabay na ito

Broken Made Whole

Raizel Leuterio, a writer of Right Now, was enjoying her life doing God’s work by helping kids as a speech therapist, and discipling college students, until a tragedy happened… a tragedy that she thought only happens in the movies. She got her heart broken in the most unimaginable way. She never thought she could recover but she did, all by the grace, mercy and love of His Father.


Ito ay ginawa para sa ikatututo mga kabataan sa Right Now Philippines, an affiliate of Far East Broadcasting Company for the Youth