Life With Jesus - Armor of Godనమూనా

Have you ever eaten an orange? They are juicy and sweet, but before you can eat it you need to take off the peel.
Did you know that if you put a whole orange in water it will float, but if you put a peeled orange in water it’ll sink?
It’s true!
The orange peel is like armor that protects its soft flesh inside. Without armor, it sinks! God gives us armor so we can stand strong in our life with Jesus.
Because of Jesus Christ, we can live our life with the armor of God. Jesus gives us truth, righteousness, His gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Spirit. In life, we are in a battle, not a physical war, but a spiritual one. The enemy seeks to knock us off course and see us fall. Because of Jesus, we can be strong. We can put on God’s armor!
We are strong because of Christ.
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

LIFE WITH JESUS is the best adventure. God gives us armor so we can have the best life and build His Kingdom. These foundational spiritual truths will set you on course to be a world changer! We are strong because of Christ; Put on God’s armor and stand up to anything; I can stand firm on God’s Word.