Life With Jesus - Armor of Godనమూనా

Life With Jesus - Armor of God

15 యొక్క 6

Do you love to dress up and wear fun, bright clothes? Mixing and matching clothes and accessories can be such fun! There are necklaces, headbands, bows and bracelets, bags, bow ties, jackets and hats. Planning your outfit can be a fun thing to do. From your head to your shoes, you get to put together your look for the day.

Every morning, you get to choose what you will put on. The truth is, what you wear on the outside isn’t nearly as important as what you wear on the inside. We need to take up the armor of God, not leave it hanging in the closet. Take it up and put it on. Just like we need to get dressed every day, we need to put on God’s armor every day.

We have already won the battle because of Jesus. All we need to do is take up the armor and stand! Buckle on the belt of truth. Put the breastplate of righteousness in place. Fit your feet with the shoes of the gospel of peace. Take up your shield of faith. Put on the helmet of salvation and raise your sword of God’s Word. Put on God’s armor and stand up to anything!

Day 5Day 7