Life With Jesus - Armor of Godనమూనా

Armor is a protective covering that keeps a person safe from damage. In war, soldiers wear a kind of armor to keep themselves safe during combat. They have a utility belt, special vest, boots, helmet, and weapon.
Armor didn’t always look like this. Knights in the 1600s would have worn full-body iron metal armor with a big shield and sword or jousting stick! It weighed 25kg (55 pounds). Imagine how difficult it would have been to move around in that! And in Bible times, armor would have looked even different still.
It is believed that the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Ephesians while he was imprisoned in Rome. He would have seen Roman soldiers every day standing guard over him with their armor, swords, and shields. He wrote to the church, encouraging them to stand firm in their faith, using the pieces of physical armor as an example of their spiritual armor.
We have the armor of God. It’s not armor we wear on the outside, it is armor that we wear on the inside that protects us, so we can be ready to face battles in the unseen. God gives us armor so we can stand strong in our life with Jesus.
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

LIFE WITH JESUS is the best adventure. God gives us armor so we can have the best life and build His Kingdom. These foundational spiritual truths will set you on course to be a world changer! We are strong because of Christ; Put on God’s armor and stand up to anything; I can stand firm on God’s Word.