Life With Jesus - Armor of Godనమూనా

Before firefighters arrive on the scene to fight a fire, they put on a special suit. An alarm sounds and they spring into action, slide down their fire pole, and suit up. Each piece of their uniform is made from fire-resistant material to protect them. They need to be safe, not just from the heat of the fire, but they’re also exposed to toxic fumes, smoke, sharp objects, uneven ground, and slippery surfaces. They get ready to battle a blaze by putting on their big jacket, pants, boots, helmets, and gloves. If they’re heading into a smoke-filled building, they cover their mouth and nose with breathing apparatus.
We have to be ready to face battles in the unseen. Like a firefighter, we have a special suit that God gives us. It doesn’t go on the outside, it’s armor that we wear on the inside to protect us.
The Bible doesn’t say, “Put on SOME of the armor”, it says “Put on the FULL armor of God”. Like firefighters need to put on every piece of their firefighter suit before they battle the flames, we need to put on ALL the armor of God to stand against spiritual battles.
In the Old Testament, we read about Joshua. When he took over from Moses as the leader of God’s people, he was afraid. There were enemies to face and battles to be won before they could possess the land that God had promised to them. But we read in Deuteronomy that Moses encouraged him. He didn’t need to be afraid, because God would always be with him. Put on God’s armor and stand up to anything!
ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

LIFE WITH JESUS is the best adventure. God gives us armor so we can have the best life and build His Kingdom. These foundational spiritual truths will set you on course to be a world changer! We are strong because of Christ; Put on God’s armor and stand up to anything; I can stand firm on God’s Word.