Kingdom People - the Early ChurchUzorak

When you go to your church building on a Sunday, you say you’re “going to church.” It’s easy to think that the Church is a place and a building. When it’s empty, it’s just a building; the thing that makes the Church is you and me. We could meet anywhere, a park, a movie theatre, at the beach or a cafe. What makes ‘the Church’ is people.
When we meet together and serve, pray, worship, learn God’s Word, and encourage one another, we are the Church, no matter where it is.
The Church is important; it’s part of God’s plan. The Bible tells us that Jesus loved the Church so much that he gave his life for her. It also describes the Church as a bride, and it’s not talking about a building. The Church is people. Jesus didn’t give His life for a building; it was all about people. Wherever people are, they are the Church.
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Discover the people of the Early Church and learn that Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.