Kingdom People - the Early ChurchUzorak

Jesus promises to build the Church, but what do you think is the most important thing to build it with?
Think of a church building. Lots are built from wood; they even use wood inside the church to build chairs, stages, steps, and altars. Is this the most important thing you need to build the Church?
Most churches these days would be built from steel. It’s incredibly strong and not easily destroyed, even in extreme weather. Is this the most important thing you need to build the Church?
Many churches have beautiful stone walls. Stone can also be used in the foundations, and we all know that the most important part of any building is its foundations. Buildings with strong foundations stand the test of time. Is this the most important thing you need to build the Church?
Which do you think is the right answer? What is the most important thing you need to build the Church?
The answer is… that it’s none of these! Yes, they are all important for constructing a building, but the Church is not a building; it’s people. You might have a church building, but if there’s no one inside, it’s just an empty room. When people gather each week, that’s when the building is transformed into the Church.
Churches worldwide meet in all sorts of different places, from warehouses, in homes, to movie theatres and even outdoors! It doesn’t matter where they meet because the Church is wherever people are. Together, we build the Church. Kingdom people build the Church.
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Discover the people of the Early Church and learn that Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.