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Kingdom People - the Early ChurchUzorak

Kingdom People - the Early Church

DAN 7 OD 15

After Jesus had gone back to heaven and the Church first started, they often met in homes. The apostle Paul travelled with Silas and Timothy from city to city, sharing the good news of Jesus. When they arrived in Macedonia, they decided to stay there for a few days. It was Saturday, which was known as the Sabbath day, a day to rest and worship God.

We read in Acts 16 how they met a woman named Lydia, how she became a follower of Jesus, and how she welcomed them into her home. After this, they stayed at her house for a while before they travelled to the next city.

It was a big deal to let people stay with you, and Lydia would have been proud she could look after them. Lydia’s house likely became one of the first home churches in Europe. Through her generosity in welcoming others, she was building God’s Kingdom. The Bible is full of ‘Kingdom People,’ the kind of people who devoted their lives to building what was most important to Jesus, God’s Kingdom. We can be kingdom people, too!

Dan 6Dan 8