Kingdom People - the Early ChurchUzorak

Which greeting would make you feel most welcome?
One with a loud sigh and a shrug of the shoulders, looking away until finally saying “Oh, you’re here,” in a disappointed tone.
One with a big warm smile, arms held open wide, saying, “I’m so glad to see you, welcome!”
It’s the second one, of course! How we welcome people matters, but how can we welcome people to church? How can we help them to feel at home when they come? We can be prepared so that we’re ready to welcome others. We can make it easy for people to know where to go, greet them with a big smile, and say, “I’m so glad to see you! Make yourself at home!”
The Church is like a home. We are God’s children, and the Church is God’s home on earth; therefore, it’s our home too. We can welcome people to our home. When we welcome others to God’s Kingdom and the Church, we welcome brothers and sisters into our family.
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Discover the people of the Early Church and learn that Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.