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Read To Me Daily Semester 2Sample

Read To Me Daily Semester 2

DAY 25 OF 86

Yesterday in Deuteronomy, Moses continued with miscellaneous regulations. One repeated in the New Testament is to not muzzle an ox to keep it from eating when it is treading out the grain. Paul used that as a metaphor for something else.

Today’s psalm is number 63. This is another poem of David, including beautiful imagery. Pray like David, if you want to be blessed like David or need protection as David did.

ACTS 16:
Yesterday in Acts we heard how Barnabas and Paul with Silas and Judas/Justus delivered the letter from the leaders in Jerusalem. And afterward, Paul and Barnabas had their falling out over the issue of whether to take John Mark along on their next trip. Silas— who evidently had come back to Antioch, became Paul's new ministry partner.

Let’s pray.
Our Sovereign Lord and God, because we have been joined to Christ we also call You our Father. We thank You, oh Lord, that You are a promise-keeping God, and that You fulfilled through Jesus the promises that were given to Abraham. You fulfilled the First Covenant. Your son Christ Jesus is the only One who could take the curses that all mankind received under that covenant. And You said in Jeremiah, “The New covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my Law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. None of them will have to teach their neighbor to know the Lord, because all will know Me from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I the Lord have spoken.” Thank You Lord, for that New Covenant, for fulfilling this, another of your promises through Christ Jesus. And You showed this even in the decisions of the early church. So now we can say, “Oh my soul, depend on God alone. Oh Lord, I put my hope in You. You alone protect and save me! You are my defender, and I shall never be defeated. My salvation and honor depend on you alone, oh God. You are my strong protector. You are my shelter.” So heavenly Father, we believe that You are present with us today. You will go with us. Your Holy Spirit is with us to teach us. Help us to live before you with clean and clear consciences. We ask you to guide us today.

Dan 24Dan 26

About this Plan

Read To Me Daily Semester 2

This plan covers the second semester (86 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.
