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Journey To The Manger

День 63 из 70

Encountering Jesus

Imagine the wonder of the shepherds when an angel of the Lord spoke to them, followed by multitudes of the heavenly host filling the night sky with otherworldly light and music. And imagine their excitement as they left their fields and sheep to find all that the angel had told them about. 

Yet the most life-changing experience they had that night was meeting the Messiah face-to-face. It moved their hearts to worship. The angels told the humble sheepherders who this infant in a dingy stable was, and their expectant hearts allowed them to recognize Him and give Him the honor and adoration He deserved as King.

Likewise, when you encounter Jesus and see Him for who He is, the realization of His love and glory will fill your heart with thanksgiving and make you want to know Him better.

Activity: Make a playlist of your favorite Christmas hymns or worship songs. As you spend time listening, reflect on God’s overwhelming love for you.

День 62День 64

Об этом плане

Journey To The Manger

Тихой ночью 2000 лет назад ангелы возвестили рождение Спасителя группе пастухов, которые присматривали за своими стадами. Услышав эту новость, пастухи оставили всё, чтобы отыскать младенца в яслях в Вифлееме. Спустя столько лет приглашение не изменилось. Присоединитесь к доктору Чарльзу Стэнли, и он поможет вам приблизиться к Спасителю и вдохновит вас уделить время тому, чтобы отдохнуть в любви Отца в это праздничное время.


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