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Journey To The Manger

День 62 из 70

Responding to God

Mary and Joseph’s betrothal was probably something their families had long prayed for. Both were from King David’s lineage—a perfect match that would have given both families reason to rejoice. But suddenly God interrupted their celebration. 

The swiftness of the angel’s descent into Mary’s story gave her no time to prepare for his message: She had found favor with God and would give birth to His Son—even though she was still a virgin. She must have experienced a torrent of emotion—besides her awe, thoughts of what her family and community would think must have poured into her mind. Mary had to decide: Would she surrender to God’s plan, one that seemed impossible and frightening on the surface?

Mary’s courageous and humble response blazed a trail for every believer. When we surrender to God’s interruptions, we can rest in the knowledge that He always has a higher purpose for our lives.

Activity: As a family, research how different cultures celebrate Christmas. Consider adopting some new traditions.

День 61День 63

Об этом плане

Journey To The Manger

Тихой ночью 2000 лет назад ангелы возвестили рождение Спасителя группе пастухов, которые присматривали за своими стадами. Услышав эту новость, пастухи оставили всё, чтобы отыскать младенца в яслях в Вифлееме. Спустя столько лет приглашение не изменилось. Присоединитесь к доктору Чарльзу Стэнли, и он поможет вам приблизиться к Спасителю и вдохновит вас уделить время тому, чтобы отдохнуть в любви Отца в это праздничное время.


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