Mattityahu 27:46
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
and around the ninth hour has Yehoshua a shout done with a loud voice, so to say: My G-d My G-d why have You forsaken me! the means: G-d mine, G-d mine, why you have Me forsaken?
Изучить Mattityahu 27:46
Mattityahu 27:51-52
and look, the curtain of Heikhal has itself rip in two from top to bottom; and the earth has tremble; and the rocks have self split; and the graves have self opened; and a many bodies of the sleeping saints are stand up again
Изучить Mattityahu 27:51-52
Mattityahu 27:50
and Yehoshua has again a shout done with a loud voice, and has give up his spirit.
Изучить Mattityahu 27:50
Mattityahu 27:54
and the (Roman) officer and the with him, who have watch Yehoshua, when they have seen the earthquake, and what it is happened, have themselves very afraid, and said: he is in truth was the Son of the Most High!
Изучить Mattityahu 27:54
Mattityahu 27:45
and from the sixth hour on is become a darkness over entire land until the ninth hour.
Изучить Mattityahu 27:45
Mattityahu 27:22-23
says Pilate to them: and what shall I do with Yehoshua, who they call him Moshiach? say all: he shall hanged up on the tree! and he has said: what for a evil has he then done? they however have further shouted, so to say: he shall hanged up on the tree!
Изучить Mattityahu 27:22-23