WinterJam 2014 - PlaylistSample

Worn: Tenth Avenue North
Have you ever been in a season of life where you were asking God, “How much longer will I have to go through this?” If you haven’t been through something like this, you just haven’t lived long enough. We will all encounter tough seasons in life that will wear us down, and leave us feeling completely worn out.
The problem in these scenarios is that all too often, we feel the pressure to tough it out and act like everything is just fine. We put on a strong smile on the outside, and just try and press on through. Meanwhile, on the inside it feels like we’re falling apart.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. God is not impressed with how strong you are, or how strong you look. He’s not even fazed by it. So guess what? You don’t have to act like you have it all together. You don’t have to put on the smiley church face and keep on, keepin’ on.
God wants you to come to Him in your time of need. He wants you to lean on Him, and tell Him about all your hurts and struggles. He’s a loving Father who wants to embrace you with His love when we are at our weakest. God is longing for you to draw near to Him in your weakest moments.
Take some time today to tell God what’s on your heart. Tell Him your worries, your frustrations, about your pain, and ask Him for help.
About this Plan

Welcome to The Overflow Devo WinterJam 2014 Edition. The Overflow has partnered with your favorite 2014 WinterJam artists and Reset's Nick Hall to bring you this reading plan. Over the next two weeks, musicians like Lecrae, Tenth Avenue North, Plumb, Derek Minor, Thousand Foot Krutch and more will share devotionals based on songs heard during WinterJam 2014.