Jesus First: A Study on EphesiansSample

Paul asks us to prepare to fight! He gives us in great detail how we can prepare by putting on God's full armor. Do not be mistaken; our battles are not seen in this world, although we often mistakenly believe they are. Our battles are against the unseen spiritual forces, which is Satan himself.
Paul explains to us that the armor of God is made up of God's truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and His Word. We can withstand the enemy's schemes when we put this armor on daily. Remember, God has already won the victory through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Therefore, if we have chosen to place our faith in Jesus, Satan's schemes do not put our salvation at stake. However, Satan will do whatever he can to prevent us from building the kingdom of God while we are on earth.
Friends, we need to stand with the Armor of God in His Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and His Word, and we will triumph over the attacks of the enemy. Not by our power but only by God's strength, and prayer is the direct line to the divine source of strength. We can stand firm in the face of adversity, knowing God empowers us to overcome. In what ways do you need to put on the Armor of God today so that you may walk boldly as an ambassador of God's light and life even against the darkness of this world?
About this Plan

There is no greater joy in life than one with Jesus first. The book of Ephesians teaches us that the gospel unites and motivates us to live for Christ. Through Christ's sacrifice, we receive God's love, forgiveness, and deliverance. This new identity in Christ calls us to imitate Him in all aspects of our lives, including our relationships and our battle against the darkness in the world.
We would like to thank Thomas Road Baptist Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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