Romans - Part 1: SINSample

Romans 1:1-7 Grace and Peace!
We begin Romans with a little information about the author: Paul the Apostle (vs. 1). Paul is a living, breathing, walking miracle of the Gospel. When Paul writes that he was "called to be an apostle," he isn't writing in a passive sense, like receiving a phone call and choosing to answer the call. On the contrary, he is writing about his "effectual call.” a call that got him on the road to Damascus. He couldn't escape the pursuit of his savior, King Jesus! This "call" from Jesus changed everything! It changed a legalistic, zealous, religious leader who was determined to wipe out the people of Jesus, into a radical, grace-filled apostle who devoted his life to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. On Earth, as it is in heaven!
With this background in mind, Paul then moves to the legitimacy of Christ (vs. 2-5). He wants the reader to know from the very first pen strokes that Jesus is the one whom the Old Testament anticipated. He is the promised Messiah from the line of King David. Jesus is the Christ, who is reigning in the power of His resurrection, a reality we celebrate on Easter Sunday! Paul is reiterating the wonder that not only did Jesus die for our sins, but He is alive right now. Right here. He is working through the people he calls!
In verse 6, we find comfort and hope (vs. 6). Not only did Jesus call Paul, but if you have put your faith in Jesus, he has also called YOU and you belong to Jesus. Belonging to Jesus is our only comfort in life and in death. Take a moment and just say that out loud, "I belong to Jesus." Say it again, and let the reality of this truth flow into your whole self and into your whole life!
Finally, don't miss grace and peace (vs. 7)! I love these two words. Every Sunday I declare them over our Church in the benediction. These words express the reality of our belonging to Christ.
As you embark on this journey through Romans, may the Lord be gracious to you and give you His peace. May the richness and fullness of the gospel continue to ignite wonder and delight in your soul. And may you grow in the never-running-out, abundant, grace and peace of our savior and King Jesus Christ!
- Logan Beardsley
About this Plan

This plan is an invitation to the unashamed wonder and power of the gospel! In this six-part series of plans, you will work verse by verse through the book of Romans. Part 1 focuses on our sin and need for salvation. The Gospel tells us: "Jesus Changes Everything". The first step to experiencing the wonder of this gospel is acknowledging our need to be changed by Jesus!
We would like to thank Cornerstone Community Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: