Victorious Life TodaySample

Victory In Your Faith – What You Focus On Matters
“Some men took a man who was not able to move his body to Jesus. He was carried on a bed. They looked for a way to take the man into the house where Jesus was. But they could not find a way to take him in because of so many people. They made a hole in the roof over where Jesus stood. Then they let the bed with the sick man on it down before Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
- Luke 5:18-20 NLV (emphasis added)
Have you ever noticed that ten people can look at the same picture and pick out ten different things that jump out at them? We all have a perspective that makes us who we are and God loves that about us. In life, we will see the same thing but interpret it differently.
Here is a man who was paralyzed; he couldn’t move. However, he had some friends that were determined to get him out of that bed. They decided that they were going to take him to Jesus Christ the Healer. However, they couldn’t get through because of the number of people there, so they got creative and made a hole in the roof.
Now I am sure many people saw what was going on. They wondered, “What are they doing?” Then it dawned on them, “They are making a hole in the roof. They are destroying the property.” (The Bible doesn’t say that specifically, but wouldn’t you think the same thing?)
When the man was lowered down, Jesus had a decision to make. He saw the sin, but He also saw their faith. Jesus focused on the man’s faith more than his sin (verse 20). Then, after seeing his faith, Jesus said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
We often judge what we don’t understand. We can focus on the sin more than anything else. However, as I read through the scripture, I find Jesus showing a heart of compassion more than anything else. Jesus was routinely moved with compassion.
It was because Jesus had a heart of compassion that He forgave him when He saw his faith. Jesus didn’t ignore his sin, He dealt with it. He will always address it. However, their hearts made more of an impact than his sin.
Today, make sure that you are not judging people’s sin. Ask God to help you see their heart. Behind every act of sin is a pain of the heart.
There is nothing wrong with calling sin, SIN. There is nothing wrong with calling something that is wrong, WRONG. But don’t stop there. Find the pain behind the action. Search for understanding that you may not have.
Jesus conquered sin for us. Don’t give it a power it doesn’t have by focusing on it.
Confession Today
“I will focus on faith. Love looks at the best in people and situations, and my faith is fueled by love. I will have a heart of compassion towards other people. Even when I disagree, I will choose to look at the faith in their heart. I will walk in faith and I will walk in love.”
About this Plan

As children of God, we are created to live in victory. Jesus claimed the victory for us, and we can live in it today. Over the next 7 days, we will learn about living in the victory that Jesus Christ won for us. Every Believer can live in victory every day. Devon Daniel, Executive Pastor at Believer's Victory Church
We would like to thank Believer's Victory Church for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: