Victorious Life TodaySample

Victory In Your Identity – You Are A Spirit, You Have a Soul, You Live In A Body
“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
- - 1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV
You have this thing called a body that goes everywhere you go. Well, in reality, the body is how you get around. You need your body, and that is why God gave it to you. However, you are NOT your body.
Sometimes this is hard to understand because your body is what you see when you look in the mirror. It's also what other people see. Most people see themselves through their body, so guess what? They are going to look at you through your body as well. But let's look at how God sees you.
God Sees You As A Spirit That Has A Soul
“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
- 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV
God directed Samuel to go to a house because that house had the next king of Israel inside. When he got there, Jesse the father of the house, brought all the sons that he thought would be the one that God wanted. However, none of them were the one that God was looking for. Samuel then asked, “Do you have any other sons?” He remembered he had one more that was taking care of the sheep. That is who God was looking for.
Both Jesse and Samuel were looking at the men's physical appearance, and that was the last thing that God was looking at. If that's how God sees you, that means that's how you should see at yourself. This doesn't mean that you don't take care of your body; it means you don't put your faith in your body.
There is a day coming when you won't have this physical body anymore. It will be dust, and it won't exist. Don't put your faith in something that is temporary. You are a Spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body. You are more than the house that you live in.
Confession Today
"I am a Spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body. I am not my body. God sees me as a Spirit, and He sees my heart. God does not look at me through my body, so I won't look at myself that way either. I am a Spirit being created by God to do His work. This body is simply my Earth suit that enables me to be here on Earth. I am a Spirit being, re-created in Christ."
About this Plan

As children of God, we are created to live in victory. Jesus claimed the victory for us, and we can live in it today. Over the next 7 days, we will learn about living in the victory that Jesus Christ won for us. Every Believer can live in victory every day. Devon Daniel, Executive Pastor at Believer's Victory Church
We would like to thank Believer's Victory Church for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: