Abiding in the PsalmsSample

Have you ever had your breath taken away by a stunning landscape? The beauty of a sunset or sunrise? Stood in awe at the vast expanse of the ocean?
The earth that we live on is full of beauty; each country houses its own type of awesome creation. There are rainforests, beaches, deserts, and mountains, and each of them have their own unique beauty.
The Psalmist’s reaction to the beauty of creation is this:
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?[c]
How is it that God cares about us, humans that continue to wreck this world with the amount we consume and the little amount of care we often have towards it? Yet He is mindful of us. Not only that, but He sent His son to die for US. Sinners, hypocrites, people that turn their backs on God time and time again. God was mindful of us, to the point of death.
Take some time to step outside today and marvel at God’s beautiful creation, and that He created it for us to enjoy. Consider that He intimately knows and loves each one of us even though he knows every thought, every desire, and every one of our sins. Isn’t it such a beautiful gospel?
How does it make you feel to be in God’s creation?
What aspect of His character does He show through His creation?
Have you spent time thinking about the fact that He made it for us to enjoy?
How does that make you feel?
What can you do to take care of the creation He made for us?
“Majestic God, how is it possible that we fill your mind? You love and care for us so much you were willing to become a weak infant and vulnerable child all in order to save us. Now help me, in all my daily interactions, to treat every person I meet as being infinitely precious in your sight.” Amen.
- Timothy Keller
About this Plan

The Psalms express the feelings and emotions that sometimes we find too hard to express to God by ourselves. Through diving into the Psalms and their different forms , the aim is that readers can lead prayer-filled lives, crying out, praising and worshipping our God through every season and in every moment.
We would like to thank St Pauls Castle Hill for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://stpauls.church/