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Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!Sample

Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!

DAY 7 OF 7

Choose to see as God sees... 

As we look to the Lord during this last day of this reading plan, we are believing Him for a complete and swift victory over the Coronavirus ... healing for everyone affected by it and for those who have lost loved ones. Let’s believe God for everyone experiencing grief, fear, chaos, financial upheaval, and loss of any kind. We're standing in prayer that this Coronavirus (“crown” virus) cannot wear the crown in our world. Jesus alone wears the crown, and He reigns supreme!

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV) 

As the coronavirus has attempted to steal all of our thoughts, attention, and energy, filling us with fear and uncertainty...let’s take a moment to gaze upon Jesus.

Close your eyes and imagine...Jesus on the cross, His blood running over the rough wood, His last breath of life, the sky darkening…

Open the eyes of your heart and see Jesus resurrected, Jesus on the throne, sovereign Jesus. Sin erased, death fleeing!

Everything that had an air of defeat is a resounding victory. What seemed hopeless now makes a public display of death!

Today, perhaps circumstances caused by this Coronavirus pandemic have left you in a fearful, hopeless situation, a situation of internal collapse or depression. You may struggle to see more than panic and death in the world. 

But how might God see this time in history and this time in your life?

  • As an opportunity to share the Good News with a hurting, fearful world?
  • As a chance to lay hands on the sick and see them recover? (see Mark 16:17-18) 
  • As a time of rest to bridge broken relationships and draw closer to Him, family, and dear friends? 
  • As a turning point in your professional life, a time of innovation, restarting, and rekindling of lost dreams?
  • As a moment to definitively take hold of and live out the abundant life that He has for you? (see John 10:10) 

We are living during an extraordinary time in history in which the Lord wants to pour out His Spirit on all flesh before He returns for us (see Acts 2:17).  The Holy Spirit wants to come upon you so that, just like the first disciples, you can fearlessly go into your family, your workplace, your city, and even beyond to bring the Good News of the Gospel, not only in words but also with a demonstration of power. (see 1 Corinthians 2:4) 

Lift your eyes and stand in complete victory over all fear through the love and power of Jesus!

I invite you to pray with me...“Father, I pray that You help me to see this situation through Your eyes, rather than through eyes of fear. By faith, I will look beyond my current problem and keep my eyes fixed on You and Your promises. Lord, I choose today to see this crucial time in history as an opportunity to share Your Good News with others, rest and focus on relationships and take hold of the abundant life You have for me! Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice and resurrection. I believe that through Your great love, fear is annihilated in my life. I shall not live in fear but in the power of Your victory on the cross! In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Thanks for existing!

Eric Célérier

P.S. The texts of this reading come from the daily email A Miracle Every Day. If you want to receive an encouraging email every day, I invite you to subscribe to A Miracle Every Day. By subscribing, you will receive an E-book! 

About this Plan

Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!

In the face of global fear and economic upheaval concerning the Coronavirus, how are we as Christians to respond to this alarming situation? I pray the Scriptures in this reading plan will help you overcome fear and panic, strengthen you, and fill you with supernatural courage and hope! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!


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