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Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!Sample

Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!

DAY 6 OF 7

Fear no more!

One day, Jesus approached His disciples and said to them, “‘It is I, do not be afraid.’” (John 6:20, NKJV)

When things are in chaos and out of control all around you as they may have been during this pandemic, that’s when fear starts to invade your life. As you know, fear creates all sorts of questions: “Am I going to make it? How am I going to get out of this? What’s going to happen now?”

And when the fear grows in you, fed by uncertainty or painful memories, the questions become negative confessions: “I’m not going to make it! It’s impossible! I have no more hope!”

This is what Peter experienced shortly after he started walking on the water...he saw the storm that he couldn’t control, and fear struck his heart. Can’t we all relate to this place? Perhaps for you today, the coronavirus outbreak strikes a nerve of fear because it reminds you of other storms you couldn’t control: a traumatic time when you or a loved one was sick, a time when the money ran low, or even a time when you were near death. As Peter started sinking, surely he saw his life flash before his eyes. But Jesus would not stand by and let him moved Him. He came to Peter’s aid, rescued him, literally pulled him from the waves with His hand. 

Today, Jesus does the same for you! He’s drawing near to you, placing His hand on your shoulder. Gazing at you with love, compassion, and authority, He says, “It’s Me. I’m here. Don’t be afraid! All power has been given to Me in heaven and on Earth. I will not leave you alone. I’m strengthening you. I’m here for you, by your side. I love you.”

Even now as you pray, God is coming close to say, “Don’t be afraid!” Declare it with me today in the midst of your storm, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear...” (Psalm 118:6)!

I declare freedom over you today as you allow His voice of love to permeate your being and dissolve every last trace of fear.

Thanks for existing!

Eric Célérier

About this Plan

Coronavirus: Do Not Fear!

In the face of global fear and economic upheaval concerning the Coronavirus, how are we as Christians to respond to this alarming situation? I pray the Scriptures in this reading plan will help you overcome fear and panic, strengthen you, and fill you with supernatural courage and hope! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind!


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