Will You Marry Me?Sample

A Match Made in Heaven
Today, we’re going to start exploring the story of Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman at a well, which is probably my favorite story yet. It’s full of rich symbolism and fascinating parallels!
It’s no coincidence that Jesus sat down to talk with this woman at the same well where Jacob met his bride Rachel. We also see in Exodus that Moses met his bride Zipporah at a well. Remember, wells were a common betrothal scene then.
In this culture, Jews and Samaritans were enemies. By sharing a cup with a Samaritan, a Jewish person would actually become ceremonially unclean. What Jesus was asking this woman to do would’ve been completely countercultural. Jews and Samaritans weren’t even permitted to speak to each other, much less share a cup.
On another note, she was a woman. For a man to speak to a woman he didn’t know in public was most unusual and greatly frowned upon. The intimate exchange between Jesus and this woman would’ve been deemed inappropriate and socially awkward.
Remember how a Jewish woman would accept a man’s proposal to enter into a betrothal? We keep seeing this running theme: A cup of wine would be poured for them to share. If she agreed to his terms, she would drink the cup of acceptance.
Do you see it? Jesus and the Samaritan woman were alone at a betrothal scene—the same one as other patriarchs of our faith—and Jesus was asking her to share a cup with him. I think it’s safe to assume that He was inviting her into a spiritual marriage contract.
She’s of course thrown off. She’s confused by why this man is even talking to her at all, much less why he’s asking her for a drink. He tells her that if she only knew the gift of God and who was asking her for a drink, then she would ask Him for living water, and He would give it to her.
So, what does this mean exactly? He’s offering her to share a cup of something infinitely better than the well water: His living water! This is the same living water foreshadowed at the wedding in Cana when Jesus turned water into wine. It’s a vivid description of His spirit that was coming soon.
Jesus was essentially offering this woman a marriage contract in eternity! He was also demonstrating the model of salvation to us: He pours out His spirit (the living water), we drink it (by saying yes), and we become forever betrothed to Him.
Don’t miss this: In this interaction, Jesus was clearly inviting the Gentiles into His plan for salvation. We’re all included—the Jew and the Gentile alike—and all we have to do is accept His invitation. He came from the Jews, but the Gentiles have been grafted into this plan.
Jesus asking this Samaritan woman to share a cup is symbolic of what His church will look like: people from all tribes and nations. He paid the bride-price for all of us with His blood.
Amazing stuff, huh?
About this Plan

The Bible is full of wedding language and metaphors that explain the significance of marriage. Why is marriage so important to our Creator? Jesus our bridegroom passionately pursues us and invites us to be His bride! He gives us clues throughout the Bible that show what He intends for this love relationship to look like. Jesus is on His knee pleading for your hand in marriage. Will you say yes?
We would like to thank Laynie Travis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.laynietravis.com