Will You Marry Me?Sample

Living Water
Yesterday, we saw Jesus starting up a conversation with a Samaritan woman by asking her for a drink. He told her that if she only knew who it was that had asked her for a drink, then she would’ve asked Him for living water, and He would’ve given it to her. It was a wedding proposal.
God chose the Jewish people as His own and set up the law, prophets, and Old Covenant through them. Through the seed of Abraham came Christ, God’s one and only son. However, in this significant encounter at Jacob’s well, we see Jesus opening the door of salvation to the Gentiles, too. They’re also His bride.
In today’s other passage in John, we see again that a feast is coming, and that in order for Jesus to send His spirit to us, He had to be glorified. At this point in John, He had not yet been crucified or ascended into heaven.
Once the ascension took place and He sat down at the right hand of God the Father, then and only then, He poured out His spirit on all who would drink the cup of salvation. There was a divine sequence to these spiritual events.
Today, we’re in a period called the “Church Age” where the Lord has poured out His spirit. The Holy Spirit is now available to any who will receive Him. Just like at the wedding in Cana, we are to drink in His spirit that He poured out for us, His bride.
When we drink in His spirit and accept the cup of living water He offers, we’re born again, making us new and alive in Christ. His spirit takes up residence in us and we’re saved from our sins. This is a spiritual occurrence.
The Samaritan woman didn’t fully understand the spiritual meaning behind Jesus’ living water because she took His words literally. I love that she says she wants the water so she doesn’t have to keep coming to the well because, whether she realized it or not, her response also carried spiritual meaning.
Here’s how: The Jews had to continually perform sacrifices at the tabernacle so their sins could be atoned for. Only the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies to communicate with God and intercede on behalf of the people. In other words, the people had to keep doing the works required to get to God.
In the New Covenant, we don’t have to do works anymore. It’s a new system based on grace. Jesus took our punishment, and as a result, we now have direct access to Him. We don’t have to “go to the well” and draw from the water of works or religion because we have His living water dwelling inside of us. Jesus is with us and in us at all times.
For this Samaritan woman, the trips to the spiritual well have become unnecessary. She’s becoming the well that can hold the water of the spirit of Jesus and learning how to be His bride. All she has to do is ask for it.
About this Plan

The Bible is full of wedding language and metaphors that explain the significance of marriage. Why is marriage so important to our Creator? Jesus our bridegroom passionately pursues us and invites us to be His bride! He gives us clues throughout the Bible that show what He intends for this love relationship to look like. Jesus is on His knee pleading for your hand in marriage. Will you say yes?
We would like to thank Laynie Travis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.laynietravis.com