Will You Marry Me?Sample

It’s Complicated
Ready to pick back up on the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman?
When we look at this woman’s relationship status, we can see that she had a complicated and dysfunctional love life. We don’t know what all has happened, but we can probably all agree that love had failed her. She had gone from relationship to relationship and come up dry.
Given her reputation with men, she would’ve definitely been looked down upon and ostracized in her society (and even in our society today). We live in a fallen, sinful world. People mess up, and life and love are painful.
This woman had surely experienced an enormous amount of pain, brokenness, and shame. She had five previous husbands and was living with a man that wasn’t her husband. She probably felt not good enough, not worthy of love, and like a failure—and it sounds like she may have given up on the idea of marriage.
Let’s look at how good God is to her and to us. He met her in her brokenness and didn’t heap judgment upon her, but showed her the way to freedom and restoration. He gave this woman the keys to unending love by inviting her into an eternal marriage.
Jesus offered her His hand and essentially said, “I can see that you’ve given up, but please don’t lose heart. My love for you won’t run dry. I’ll satisfy the scorched places in your heart. I’ll bind up the wounds and heal the broken places within you. I’ll bring you lasting love and joyful life. I want you as my bride.”
This story is for those of us who have ever found ourselves in the same boat as this woman. Maybe you’re in a loveless marriage. Maybe your husband left you, or maybe you left him. Maybe you’re single and can’t find someone to share your life with. Maybe you’re divorced and it was awful and messy and you feel like a failure.
Whatever your situation, God’s love covers it. His love doesn’t run out.
Jesus knows your story just like He knew this woman’s story, and He’ll never give up on you. It doesn’t matter if you’re married or single, divorced or widowed, with someone or alone. The bottom line is that He wants you as His bride. He’s saying to you, “Trust me! I’ll never leave you or forsake you. I want you!”
Jesus didn’t rebuke or judge the Samaritan woman. He revealed to her how to be spiritually right with Him. He showed her the keys to His kingdom and filled the longing in her soul. He loved her.
Know this today: You can’t out-sin God’s grace. He loves you no matter what. He covers your shame, leads you to healing, and has big plans for your life. The Samaritan woman is who Jesus came for, and so are you.
About this Plan

The Bible is full of wedding language and metaphors that explain the significance of marriage. Why is marriage so important to our Creator? Jesus our bridegroom passionately pursues us and invites us to be His bride! He gives us clues throughout the Bible that show what He intends for this love relationship to look like. Jesus is on His knee pleading for your hand in marriage. Will you say yes?
We would like to thank Laynie Travis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.laynietravis.com