Will You Marry Me?Sample

The First Miracle
As we wrap up studying the story of the wedding at Cana, let’s talk about why Jesus chose this as the venue for His first miracle.
God created and blesses marriage. Marriage is a model for us of what it’s like to be united with Christ. Jesus desires for us to have a love relationship with Him. It’s a reciprocating love like the love between a husband and his wife. When we’re eternally bound to Jesus, it will be a perfect, harmonious union—one of life, love, and eternal bliss.
It doesn’t matter if you’re married or single during your life here on earth. Spiritually, we’re designed to be united with Christ in perfect intimacy. We’re complete in Him alone.
It’s no coincidence that Jesus chose a wedding to demonstrate His first miracle. There’s great significance in Him knowing that the hour to marry His bride has not yet come. Again, through this miracle, He’s hinting to us that there’s a great wedding coming. He’s telling us that He’s the master of the banquet and our beloved bridegroom, and that you’re not the bridesmaid. You, my dear—yes, you!—are His bride.
When Jesus looks at you, He sees beauty, love, affection, desire, power, and holiness. He made you lovely, and He’s fought for you to the point of death. He waits for you in His kingdom and can’t wait to celebrate with you. You’re worth it to Him.
Let’s review what we’ve learned from this story:
Jesus came to bring the joy, grace, and new wine of His spirit. He washes away our sin and covers our shame. When we accept His invitation and drink the cup He offers us, He gives us His spirit without limit.
Jesus will come back to marry you. He saves the best for last, just as He did with the wine at this wedding. We can’t even comprehend what’s coming, but we do know that He’s good and that we want a seat at His table.
Take a moment right now to reflect on Christ’s goodness. He’s knocking on the door of your heart. He’s down on one knee, asking for you to enter into this love relationship with Him. He’s jealous for you and wants you all to Himself. He wants you set apart for Him and His highest purposes for you.
When you say yes, you’ll be filled with His spirit, living water, and new wine. You’ll forever be His bride.
Jesus wants to come in and dine with you. He desires fellowship with you. Open the door of your heart to Him today!
About this Plan

The Bible is full of wedding language and metaphors that explain the significance of marriage. Why is marriage so important to our Creator? Jesus our bridegroom passionately pursues us and invites us to be His bride! He gives us clues throughout the Bible that show what He intends for this love relationship to look like. Jesus is on His knee pleading for your hand in marriage. Will you say yes?
We would like to thank Laynie Travis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.laynietravis.com