1 Peter - Following Jesus Sample

Long ago Isaiah wrote remarkable words about a righteous servant of God. This servant would die to bear our sin before seeing again ‘the light of life’ (Is. 53:11). Isaiah also wrote about our great need. We were all like sheep gone astray. But the wounds of this servant would bring wonderful change for us.
Peter is clear that this servant is Jesus Christ. Peter’s words about Jesus in today’s verses again echo Isaiah’s prophecy. Jesus’ death accomplished something extraordinary. He endured the death penalty our sins deserved. He was punished in our place. He ‘bore our sins’ as he died (1 Pet. 2:24). Jesus’ death changes everything for those who trust and follow him.
• What does Peter say about our new relationship to sin and righteousness (v.24)?
Sinful desires still rise up in our hearts, clamouring for our attention. But when they do, it must be as if they are trying to attract the attention of a corpse. It must be like trying to provoke a dead body. We are to be completely unresponsive to their pleas for us to do wrong.
Jesus died to put an end to sin’s consequences for us on judgement day, but he also died to end sin’s presence in our lives now. Instead we are now to ‘live for righteousness’.
People live for all kinds of things. But believers are to walk through each day on the lookout for every opportunity to do what is pleasing to our righteous Lord. Our aim now is to follow in his footsteps.
• What more does Peter say about the change Jesus’ death has brought us (vv. 24–25)?
Christian servants or slaves back then probably knew all about wounds. Like Jesus, they were sometimes beaten for wrongs they did not commit. But God is always at work for good, even in the midst of suffering. God brought great good out of Jesus’ wounds. Our relationship with God was healed by his suffering.
Peter’s picture in verse 25 is of coming back to where we should be. Sheep belong under the caring rule of their shepherd. And through Christ’s death we have come back to God, our shepherd. We have returned to that relationship of submission and security for which we were made. We have come home.
Jesus died to bring you back to God, to live under his loving rule. Live your new life today.
Thank God that Jesus bore your sins so that you might die to sin and live for righteousness.
About this Plan

The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like Peter’s first readers. Peter urges his friends to continue to live for Jesus, despite their present difficulties, by reminding them that they have a secure future in Christ. This expositional devotion is ideal for those new to reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.
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