1 Peter - Following Jesus Sample

Finally, all of you ...’ Peter has spoken to slaves, to wives and to husbands. Now the apostle wants to speak to all of his Christian readers.
Peter will give us some golden rules for all Christian relationships. He will tell us the keys to building good relationships and how to respond when sin spoils things.
• What do we learn here about Christian relationships (v. 8)?
Peter begins by reminding his friends of the unity they share. To ‘be like-minded’ means literally to be of one mind. This does not mean that Christians must agree on everything, from hobbies to holiday destinations. But we must stay of one mind on what is most important of all. We need to stay focused on the great truths of the gospel that we share. We have been called together to obey Jesus Christ. We are travelling together to our glorious inheritance. We must stay together!
Next, Peter speaks about how we must care for one another. Sympathy, love and compassion are to be hallmarks of our relationships. We are not to look inwards, just taken up with our own concerns. We need to walk with our brothers and sisters, sharing their pains and being there to comfort and support them. We need to help each other keep going.
Humility is vital for good relationships too. The proud person thinks he is always right and seldom apologises. Pride has a poisonous effect on relationships. The humble person remembers his own need of God’s grace and is quick to pass it on. Humility in relationships is like gold dust.
But what about when relationships go wrong? All personal relationships involve getting hurt sometimes. The desire to give as good as we get may well up inside us. Yet we must interrupt that downward spiral of repaying evil with evil. We must ‘repay evil with blessing’ (v. 9). That is how God in his grace has treated us. We need to treat others in the same way.
• Why else should Christians behave like this (v. 9)?
God has called us to turn from evil and to do good. We are called to be just like our heavenly Father as we relate to one another. We are to pass on the grace we have received. This is the way to great blessing. Let’s respond to God’s call.
Ask God to help you be loving and gracious to others, just as he has been to you.
About this Plan

The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like Peter’s first readers. Peter urges his friends to continue to live for Jesus, despite their present difficulties, by reminding them that they have a secure future in Christ. This expositional devotion is ideal for those new to reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.
We would like to thank 10ofThose for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://10ofthose.com