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1 Peter - Following Jesus Sample

1 Peter - Following Jesus

DAY 30 OF 48

Peter has been telling his Christian readers how to inherit a blessing. Believers are to heed God’s call to turn away from evil and to do good. This is the way God’s chosen people have always been called to live.

In Old Testament times, King David suffered greatly but he carried on trusting and obeying God. Peter quotes David’s words here, taken from one of his psalms. David tells his children the way to live God’s good life. Words matter (v. 10). Watch what you say. Keep control of your tongue. Say nothing false or deceitful.

Actions matter (v. 11). When the desire to do wrong wells up inside you, don’t listen that nagging voice. Choose to do good instead.

Relationships matter (v. 11). Don’t let anything wreck them. Pursue peace. Run hard after it; don’t let it get away! Don’t give up. Keep looking for reconciliation.

This sounds a very attractive list. You would think that anyone would welcome these qualities in their neighbour or employee. Much of the time you would be right! As Peter comments in verse 13, ‘Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?’ But you would not be right all the time.

What may happen to you, despite your good life (v. 14)?

Suffering and threats sound unpleasant and frightening. But those who do good are still ‘blessed’. We may not feel very blessed when we are suffering. David’s words help us see why we are blessed, even when in the midst of trials.

• What does David say about God (v. 12)?

You are blessed because God’s face is turned towards you in favour. God notices when you keep your tongue from evil. He sees when you do good. When you forgive and seek peace, God is watching. He cares about what you do. His ears are attentive to your prayers for help. Things may be tough now, but in the future faithful believers will certainly see good days! Terrifyingly though, God has set his face against those who do wrong. On the last day God, will destroy all evil. Doing wrong has a bleak future.

You will have many opportunities to choose to do right today, and when you do good, God sees. He is listening out for your prayers for help, so cry to him. And be assured you have his blessing.


Thank God that his eyes ‘are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer’ (v. 12). Ask him for help to do what is right today.


About this Plan

1 Peter - Following Jesus

The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like  Peter’s first readers. Peter urges his  friends to continue to live for Jesus, despite their present  difficulties, by reminding them that they have a secure future in  Christ.  This expositional devotion is ideal for those new to  reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.  


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