1 Peter - Following Jesus Sample

Christian wives are to choose to be submissive to their husbands. Peter’s command may raise many questions in modern minds. Does Peter see wives as inferior in some way? Will choosing this path of submission benefit the husband and harm the wife? We need to read on.
• How should Christian husbands behave (v. 7)?
The word the NIV translates as ‘considerate’ includes the ideas of being a student and also of being a blessing. Each Christian husband is to become a student of the needs of his wife. He is to consider carefully what is best for her. Every husband needs to become an expert in knowing how to bring blessing to the particular woman he has married. Bringing her blessing is to be his aim in all he does.
Peter tells Christian husbands two truths about their wives which will help them see how they should treat their spouses.
• What does Peter want Christian husbands to know about their wives (v. 7)?
Peter tells Christian men to remember that their wives are their partners. They are not inferior in any way. They are not their servants to order about. But why does Peter describe wives as the ‘weaker partner’?
In a relationship, if one partner chooses to submit to the other, that submissive partner is choosing a role of potential vulnerability or weakness. Peter is reminding husbands here that they must never misuse their wife’s godly submission. They must never take selfish advantage of their leadership role in marriage. Instead, husbands should honour their wives’ godly behaviour.
Husbands should also treat their wives with respect because they are ‘heirs with [them] of the gracious gift of life’. In Peter’s day, usually only sons inherited the wealth of a family. But in God’s new family, both men and women can look forward to the glorious future life Peter spoke of in chapter 1.
Spiritually speaking, husbands and wives share a level playing field. Both are equally made in God’s image, equally in need of God grace and equally heirs of God’s gracious gift of life.
So husbands need to stay very humble as they lead and care for their wives. God cares greatly how we behave at home. Husbands must not think their spiritual lives will thrive if they are treating their wives badly. Listen to Peter’s warning!
Ask God to help Christian husbands to be considerate, respectful and prayerful as they live with their wives.
About this Plan

The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like Peter’s first readers. Peter urges his friends to continue to live for Jesus, despite their present difficulties, by reminding them that they have a secure future in Christ. This expositional devotion is ideal for those new to reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.
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