1 Peter - Following Jesus Sample

Living good lives involves being submissive to human authorities. Peter now takes this general principle and applies it to the workplace of his day.
Slavery was the most common work situation back then and it was a very mixed experience. Often slaves were treated more like servants or employees, but not always. Peter isn’t approving slavery of any kind here. But if Christians find themselves as slaves, Peter wants them to be good workers, not bad ones.
Then, as now, not all bosses were fair and kind. But Christian workers are still to be submissive to those in authority over them (v. 18). This is a big ask!
Peter lifts these believers’ gaze to look beyond their human masters. Read through today’s passage and look for all the times Peter refers to God. Our relationship with God changes how we see everything.
Slaves were to submit to their earthly masters not because they feared them, but because they feared God. They were to be conscious of God as they worked and to seek his commendation. In the workplace, as in all of life, God’s verdict on what we do is the one that matters most.
• Whose example should Christians follow and what will this look like (vv. 20–23)?
Believers will suffer unjustly at times. When that happens, Christ’s example is the model we should follow. Jesus also suffered unjust punishment when he died on the cross. Jesus was completely perfect and sinless (v. 22), yet the rulers of his day punished him.
When Jesus was insulted with words and hurt in body, he did not hit back. He did not make threats. He endured it. Look at the end of verse 23. Jesus put himself in the hands of God, the perfect judge. Jesus trusted that God would judge justly and would punish all sin on the last day. When we face injustice, we can have the same confidence.
Slaves in those days had few rights and few options. But they could choose to work well, even when badly treated, and trust God to punish all injustice on the last day.
Today believers may have more options. We may be able to appeal for justice (as Paul did in Acts 25:11). But we don’t always get justice. Nor is it is always possible to leave a bad employer. In these situations, Christians should continue to do good work. Like Jesus, we too can entrust the situation to God. He will judge justly on the last day.
Ask God to help you work well today and to follow Christ’s example if you are treated unjustly.
About this Plan

The Christian life is wonderful, but it is rarely easy. Sometimes we might even feel burdened with ‘all kinds of trials’ just like Peter’s first readers. Peter urges his friends to continue to live for Jesus, despite their present difficulties, by reminding them that they have a secure future in Christ. This expositional devotion is ideal for those new to reading the Bible and will also suit more experienced readers.
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