Proverbs - Wisdom for LifeSample

King Solomon ruled over all of Israel. Day in and day out, he led the people, settled disputes, and set decrees. It was a big responsibility. Solomon showed his love for the Lord by obeying the laws his father, King David, had taught him. One night, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask for anything you want, and I will give it to you.”
What did King Solomon ask God for? Rather than asking for riches, fame, or revenge on his enemies, Solomon asked for something quite wise, and God gave it to him. Here’s the surprising part. God not only gave Solomon what he asked for but also for the things he didn’t ask for!
Solomon went on to write most of the book of Proverbs and was known as the wisest king that ever lived. God gave Solomon wisdom and great insight, as measureless as the sand on the seashore. People of all nations came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom.
The great news is that you and I can have God’s wisdom, too! Have you ever decided between what you want and what you know is best? Wisdom is crying out to you, saying, “Choose me!” God’s Word gives us wisdom for life. We are wise to ask God for wisdom.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

We can find wisdom for life in the pages of the Bible, in one of the most well-known wisdom books, Proverbs. Through the life of Solomon, who wrote many of the Proverbs, discover that this book is more than just a collection of wise sayings. We are wise to ask God for wisdom when we build great friendships and when we know the power of our words.
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