21 Days: Commissionedनमुना

Key verse: Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day... - Joshua 14:12
Caleb was a man of vision and he carried a different spirit. In Moses’ time, while the whole nation of Israel had been commissioned to take the promised land, only Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report and believed they could possess it.
Fast forward 45 years. In Joshua 14, Caleb was so convinced of and consumed by God’s promise that he asked Joshua, “Give Me This Mountain.” Caleb was ready to take his mountain for 45 years! How was he able to keep the vision and passion for his inheritance burning strong in his heart for all that time?
We can learn three things from Caleb’s request to give him his mountain:
‘Give’ - Caleb had an insatiable appetite for the things of God and to see the promises of God fulfilled in his life. He saw the land as a good land and desired to own it. When the time came, he laid claim to it and unashamedly asked Joshua for it. He fully expected to receive it and he did. What are the things you are asking God for in this season?
‘Me’ - Caleb took ownership of the commission and stayed ready for battle. His vision for his mountain was as sharp as his sword, even at eighty-five.
‘This Mountain’ - Caleb did not ask for just any random piece of land. He was specific to the territory he laid claim to. What do you feel God has promised you, that you need to lay hold of?
Let’s identify our “mountain”, have a vision for it and be ready to fight to take it!
What are some mountains in your life that you want to conquer?
Caleb was still ready even after decades had passed. How can you maintain a spirit of conquest, staying ready and prepared for the fight for the long haul?
पवित्र शास्त्र
या योजनेविषयी

In this 21-day devotional, Commissioned, we’ll explore how God called Joshua to lead His people into the Promised Land—and how He’s calling each of us to step into our own mission. Just like Joshua, we are commissioned by God to advance His purposes, no matter where we are. Over these next 21 days, you’ll be challenged to walk in faith, courage, and obedience, knowing that God goes before you, equips you, and strengthens you for every battle ahead. Prepare to reflect on your calling and the impact God wants to make through your life.