Journey With Jesus 365സാംപിൾ

Is the Gospel to be added to our works?
Jesus taught the scribes and Pharisees that His mission was not to add something to the Old Testament law but to fulfill the law. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the law they knew from the Old Testament scripture. There is nothing about the Gospel that points to it being an addition to the law. Allow Jesus Christ to come into your life and completely change your life. Don’t rely on good works or self-righteousness for your salvation any longer. Walk in the power of God’s grace!
Name a truth about the Gospel that is greater than the law. What area of your life do you need the power of God’s grace to help change?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Experience authentic and lasting life change as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus! Journey with Jesus 365 will take you on a journey to better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each day you will have readings from one of the gospels, while also reading through the whole Bible in one year. Daily devotions are focused on the life of Jesus, and provide context for the reading and practical ways to apply Biblical truths to the life of the believer. Start your Journey with Jesus today!