Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in Leadershipസാംപിൾ

Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in Leadership

35 ദിവസത്തിൽ 8 ദിവസം

Week 2: Confidence

Confident Leadership

“Confidence is earned by what you do. Courage is faith in who you are and the belief that you’ll get better. And everyone wins when the leader gets better.” -- Craig Groeschel

“When the leader lacks confidence, the team lacks commitment.” -- Craig Groeschel

This week, we will discuss confidence. As a leader, you must be confident in your decisions, team, and relationship with God. You must be confident because when you are confident, your team and family will also be confident.

One definition of confidence is “the state of feeling certain about the truth of something” ( One way to gain confidence in your leadership is to know who you are through God. Another way is to learn. On his leadership podcast, Pastor Craig Groeschel discusses the eight leadership paradoxes. The first is that a leader should be both confident and humble.

We are not confident out of a place of arrogance but confident because of who we are in Christ Jesus. In Psalm 139, David tells us that God knew us before birth (Psalm 139:16). Consider the most beautiful place on earth. Your God created all that and took the time to create you. We are His most precious and beautiful creation! We can have confidence that we are loved in His eyes. He does not make mistakes. We are exactly who He created us to be!

Carley Sheppard

Action Step: Pray about the areas where you lack confidence and ask God to help you grow.


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in Leadership

Are you ready to increase your leadership and influence? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.
