Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in Leadershipസാംപിൾ

Let Go of the Need to Know Everything
“The more you do, the more you fail. The more you fail, the more you learn. The more you learn, the better you get.” – John Maxwell
“People would rather follow a leader that is real than one that is always right.” – Craig Groeschel
God is made strong in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 9). It may sound counterintuitive, but we become confident when we acknowledge our shortcomings. In verse 8, Paul tells us that he prayed multiple times for his thorn to be removed. Although I don’t know his “thorn,” it gives me hope. Sometimes, it takes numerous prayers before an answer is received. I have spent years combatting anxiety from the enemy. Through the Word, I have learned that God is made stronger in my weaknesses. He does not expect me to be perfect. He is helping me to heal and grow over time.
Even as a leader, you won’t have all of the answers. You aren’t going to be excellent at everything. That’s okay! People follow genuine leaders. You can gain confidence in your leadership when you accept that you don’t have to know everything.
Take time to learn in the weaker areas. Spend time with God and lean on Him for answers. He placed you in your leadership position because of who you are in Him. If you feel insecurity or shame in your leadership, know that you are loved and perfect in God’s eyes. Shame is from the enemy and not from God. As you read these words, I declare shame off of you in the name of Jesus!
Carley Sheppard
Action Step: Write down a list of things you can and can't control. Pray about the things you can't control and focus on what you can control.
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Are you ready to increase your leadership and influence? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.