Spiritual Disciplinesഉദാഹരണം

Spiritual Disciplines

25 ദിവസത്തിൽ 11 ദിവസം

Week 3- Sacrifice

Day 1- Introduction to Sacrifice

Discover: Today, we begin our journey into understanding the spiritual discipline of sacrifice. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This isn't just a one-time event but a continuous act of worship. It means surrendering our entire being—our thoughts, actions, desires, and will—to God. Paul challenges us to resist conforming to the patterns of this world, which often promote self-indulgence and comfort, and instead be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This transformation allows us to discern and live out God’s perfect will for our lives, leading us to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.

Learn: Sacrifice in the Christian life is more than just giving something up; it's about a fundamental shift in our mindset and lifestyle. In a world where self-gratification is often seen as the highest goal, the Bible calls us to a countercultural way of living—one that prioritizes God’s will over our desires. By renewing our minds through Scripture and the Holy Spirit, we begin to see life from God's perspective. We understand that our bodies, our very lives, are not our own but belong to God, who has a greater purpose for us. Living as a "living sacrifice" means that every decision we make, and every action we take, is an act of worship and obedience to God. This daily surrender not only pleases God but also leads to our spiritual growth and deeper dependence on Him.

Apply: Today, let’s take time to reflect on what it means to offer your body as a living sacrifice. Think deeper about this than just a passing thought. This isn’t just about one big decision but about the small, daily choices we make that either draw us closer to God or pull us away from Him. Consider the areas of your life where you may be holding back from God. Are there habits, thoughts, or desires that you need to surrender? Perhaps it's a particular sin you’ve struggled with, a relationship that distracts you from your faith, or even your time and how you spend it. Write down one specific area where you feel God is calling you to surrender more fully to Him. This week, make a conscious effort to submit this area to God daily. Pray for strength to let go of your desires and to trust in His perfect plan for your life. As you do, take note of how this act of sacrifice begins to transform your thoughts, your actions, and your relationship with God.

· What does it mean to be a "living sacrifice" in today’s world?

· How can you renew your mind to align with God's will?

· What specific area of your life might God be calling you to surrender?

· How does the idea of continuous sacrifice challenge your current lifestyle and decisions?


ദിവസം 10ദിവസം 12

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Spiritual Disciplines

In the Christian life, spiritual disciplines are the fuel that helps Christ-followers grow closer to Him. This series is designed for Thomas Road Students’ High School Life Groups and written by our team. This study will help you understand specific spiritual disciplines, their importance in the Christian life, and how to live them out. We hope that this plan helps you love God and love people in a better way.
