Spiritual Disciplinesഉദാഹരണം

Spiritual Disciplines

25 ദിവസത്തിൽ 13 ദിവസം

Day 3- Sacrifice of Comfort and Security

Discover: In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus encounters several individuals who express a desire to follow Him, but each one hesitates due to the personal sacrifices required. Jesus' responses reveal the high cost of discipleship—following Him means placing Him above all else, even above our comfort, security, and personal desires. This passage challenges us to consider what we might be holding onto that could be hindering our full commitment to Christ. In Philippians 3:7-8, Paul reflects this sentiment by declaring that he considers everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. Similarly, in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Paul embraces his weaknesses and hardships, understanding that they allow Christ's power to be more evident in his life.

Learn: Sacrificing comfort and security for the sake of Christ is one of the most challenging aspects of discipleship. Jesus’ call to follow Him requires us to let go of our attachment to worldly security and the comforts that we often take for granted. In Luke 9:57-62, we see that the cost of discipleship is steep—it might mean leaving behind a stable home, prioritizing the work of the kingdom over family obligations, or giving up personal ambitions. This is not because Jesus is harsh, but because He knows that true life and freedom are found only in total surrender to Him. Philippians 3:7-8 emphasizes that knowing Christ is worth more than any earthly gain, while 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 reminds us that even in our weakness, God’s grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect. Incorporating the spiritual discipline of sacrifice helps us intentionally create space for God to work more deeply in our lives. Just like prayer or fasting, sacrifice teaches us to depend less on worldly comforts and more on God’s provision. Embracing sacrifice in this way allows us to experience God’s strength and provision in ways we never could if we clung to our security.

Apply: Reflect on the areas of your life where you seek comfort and security the most. Is it in your relationships, your future plans, your achievements, or perhaps even in material possessions? Jesus calls us to place our trust in Him rather than in these things. Today, identify one area where you feel most secure and comfortable—this could be something like your routine, a relationship, or a personal goal. The spiritual discipline of sacrifice calls for us to actively step out of these comfort zones as an act of trust and devotion. Consider how you can step out of your comfort zone in this area for the sake of following Christ more closely. This might mean being more generous with your time or resources, reaching out to someone in need, or even reevaluating your future plans to align more closely with God’s will. As you practice this discipline, remember that sacrifice is not just a one-time act but a continual process that shapes your faith and strengthens your reliance on God. As you make these changes, lean into the truth of Philippians 3:7-8, recognizing that knowing Christ and His will for your life is the greatest treasure. Trust that as you sacrifice comfort and security, God’s grace will be sufficient, just as it was for Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

· What does Jesus' call to leave behind comfort and security mean for your life?

· How does Philippians 3:7-8 challenge your view of what is most valuable in life?

· In what ways can you rely on God's strength, as Paul did in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 when facing discomfort or insecurity?

· What specific area of comfort or security might God be asking you to sacrifice?

· How did stepping out of your comfort zone this week impact your faith and dependence on God?


ദിവസം 12ദിവസം 14

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Spiritual Disciplines

In the Christian life, spiritual disciplines are the fuel that helps Christ-followers grow closer to Him. This series is designed for Thomas Road Students’ High School Life Groups and written by our team. This study will help you understand specific spiritual disciplines, their importance in the Christian life, and how to live them out. We hope that this plan helps you love God and love people in a better way.
